About Us
It was in 1977 when Efthymis and Dimitris Tsitsiklis decided to form their own company trading tires and vulcanizers in Thessaloniki. Nearly 45 years of activity, experience, development and evolution in an object we loved more than anything.
Tire /taɪr/: the part that surrounds the wheels of a car
Professional tyre /prəˈfeʃ.ən.əl/ /taɪr/ Tyre relating to work that needs special training or education
Motorsport: mo·tor·sport | \ ˈmō-tər-ˌspȯrt. Any of several sports involving the racing or competitive driving of motor vehicles
Rim /rɪm/ (Greek terminology "sotron") is the circular metal composite rim to which the tire of a wheeled vehicle is attached.
Spare Parts
Spare part /ˈspeər ˈpɑrt/ component that replaces another similar one that is damaged or worn
Tuning /ˈto͞oniNG/ Car tuning, an industry and hobby involving modifying automobile engines to improve their performance
Environmental /ɪnˌvaɪ.rənˈmen.təl/ relating to the environment
Certify /ˈsəːtɪfʌɪ/ To say in a formal or official way, usually in writing, that something is true or correct.